Monday 27 January 2020

Lady Justice - ten more hours, seven more colours

So when I picked Lady Justice up again, I wasn't really in the mood to stitch a ton more of green, so I took a shortcut and started on one of her floaty scarf/belt/whatever thingies. There are two of them, that both start near the bottom of the design and connect to the body close to her waist. So last time you saw Lady Justice, she was here - with the dress a short distance below her waist:

So I started to her left, and got out the new colours - there were surprisingly many of them, I expected just three or four, but turns out it were seven! (Is it kind of sad that I'm excited about this? :D) Anywas, I *almost* made it back up to Lady's waist, so next time I work on her, I should be able to finish the right floaty thing and work on the dress for a bit more. Here she is with a total of 55 hours:

For my next ten hours, I'm going to stitch Felix' Valentine's card for this year, and start my new Temperature SAL.


Kaisievic said...

Leonore, she is gorgeous - I love her floaty thing!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Beautiful, I love the contrast of these colours

OhSewCrafty said...

Beautiful progress!

diamondc said...

Nice progress Leonore, she is a beautiful design, I had to look it up.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Those turquoise shades are beautiful and make a great break from all the green. What's the German term for "floaty thing"? LOL

Bethan said...

Nope, it's not sad at all to enjoy many colour changes. I feel that too, especially when I have been stitching a very similar colour for a while like you have. I love the blues of her floaty thing x

Carol said...

So very lovely, Leonore--what patience you must have! Hope you enjoy this last teeny bit of January!

Pamela said...

Wow, you were able to do quite a bit. I like the new colors.

diamondc said...

Leonore: You are progressing well, she will be beautiful when finished.


Rachel said...

I love those new colours and can see why, after the greens, you got so excited about them! Great work! :)