Sunday 31 October 2021

Halloween Trick or Treat Blog Hop 2021

It's Halloween today - I don't really feel very Halloween-y, but that does nothing to change the date! - so it's time for Jo's famous Trick or Treat Blog Hop. You can learn anything about it and find the first post on her blog HERE

Long story short, we are each supposed to share some spooky stitching and a letter to form some kind of spooky expression or sentence. As for the stitching, I don't really have anything new and spooky to share, but there is this autumn biscornu I finished earlier this year using fun Halloween colours!

If you want more Halloween, there's always this wall (or rather, door) hanging I finished last year and just put up again a couple of days ago!

Now if you are just here for your letter, that letter is A. Now be onto your merry spooky way, and just hop on to the NEXT blog!

Friday 22 October 2021

Fans of the Far East - 10th Rotation

In between working on more pressing gifts (ones that need to be done by Christmas and not by March), I'm still finding time to work on Fans of the Far East. This is a project that keeps on giving, because just when I thought I might start to lose interest, first I get excited about almost finishing the border (see my last post on this), and then I start working on the last of the fans which has a whole new colour scheme, and I fell in love all over again.

Just look at these soft cream colours of the flowers (not quite sure what they are yet - almonds, maybe?), contrasted with the rich, dark blue, and then the branches and leaves...can't wait to get back to this!

Thursday 21 October 2021

October Gifted Gorgeousness

It's that time of the month when we all gather around Jo to share our gifty projects, but sadly, it's also that time of the year when I work on almost nothing but gifts, but can't show them all as I can never be sure how does or does not follow my blog! So, apart from Fans of the Far East, that I am regularly posting about anyways, I only have two projects to show you today.

First, there is Bruinen, the shawl I'm making for my grandma. It's grown quite a bit since last month, as you can see!

I'm on the 4th shade of the cake now, so if I'm counting right, I've used a bit more than a third of the yarn now, and should make if comfortably past the halfway point next month. I do believe I can get this done by Christmas, and I really like how it's turning out, as well!

Next we have Ubuntu, the blanket that was a gift to me (or rather, the yarn for it was). Just this last week, I finished the last of the half diamonds - of course I then noticed a mistake I had made on ALL the half diamonds, but there was no way I'd unravel them all, and I believe it will be just a minor visual 'uniqueness', so everything should be okay. Of course I couldn't resist putting all the parts together for a picture:

Next time, all the parts will be attached (which should sort out the crooked edges on some of them) and then I will make a start on the border. I'm very excited about both! No more making six of everything now, just eeeendless rounds of border around the whole thing.

Friday 15 October 2021

Fans of the Far East - 9th Rotation

 I have a hard time putting this one done recently, so I got some more to show already! Last time, I finished the fan on the left side, now it was back to working on the border. My main goal was to finish the upper edge, and that I did:

Having already made a start on the right edge too, I think finishing the border within the next rotation is a given now! And I know I keep saying I need to replace the tape at the bottom, but honestly, at this point I'm not sure I will. It has lasted for 90 hours, I'm sure it will for 30, 40, 50 more? 

For now, it's back to the fans itself, starting the one on the right. A whole new colour scheme, so very exciting, that!

Tuesday 12 October 2021

October Fully Finished Gallery

 Remember back in September, when I had to whip out an emergency project because Felix didn't have time to frame something from my box of shame? Well, it took another month, but last weekend I finally got him to do it (he might have had forgotten, so a lot of prodding and remembering was involved)! So my box of shame is down one piece, and my wall is up one (or will be - I have a couple of pictures to find places for, but that's another story altogether...):

This is an early, pre-internet finish, but I don't mind the way it looks - it was a kit by Vervaco, and I really enjoyed stitching it "back then". And I'm excited to finally do something with it!

Monday 11 October 2021

Hufflepuff Pride Socks - 30 Hours

I am still in this weird mood of lots of crafting, but little blogging, so excuse my short updates lately, but I still want to show you (and tell you about) everything! Late September/early October I gave some more love to my Hufflepuff socks, and while I ran into a couple issues (had to frog about 10 rows once, half a round multiple times, and I'm still off a bit but that can be fudged I hope!) I still made some good progress. I had hoped to finish the leg part, though, but that didn't quite work out. Very close, though!

As you can see, I'm working on the second-two-last letter of "Hufflepuff", so just another F after this and I'm done with the leg - next time for sure!

Friday 8 October 2021

September Temperature SAL

 I really can't call these posts 'SALs' anymore since I am only working on the one right now - but at least I am keeping up with this one! As I finished the border last month, stitching up the temperatures themselves goes pretty quickly now.

 The beginning of the month was nice and sunny, and then it cooled down pretty quickly. I think October will be even greener, I am tempted to turn on the heat some days!

Sunday 3 October 2021

The People Chose: Leaves

 We are once more heading into a new month, so it is - once again - time for Jo's wonderful multipurpose SAL! As is befitting the season, the topic for the month is 'Leaves'. I didn't have a lot of pretty coloured autumn leaves to show, but I went through and grabbed a few of the 'leafy-est' projects I could find. I mostly went for distinct leaves over 'There's a tree', so here we go - three finishes and on WIP with a LOT of leaves!

Fans of the Far East - 8th Rotation

 I've been really busy working on Fans, filling in that left fan, and, well, here we go! Last time, I was around here:

And I wasn't quite sure if ten hours would be enough to full in all that white space...but there was only one iris and a couple leaves to go and then a whole lot of pink background that worked up really fast, so here we are!

I even had half an hour left over to start the outline of the rightmost fan, but that's something for the next round! For now, it's back to the border, hopefully reaching the upper right corner and starting to move down the right side of the design. It's really starting to come together!