Sunday 30 December 2018

WIPocalypse - December Recap

It's the last Sunday of the year (gasp! Wherever has it gone to?!) and so it's time for the final recap of WIPocalypse achievements. This year I was trying to do '18 in '18' - meaning I picked 18 projects, some WIPs, some new starts, to work on and/or finish in 2018. Well, I think concluding I can say, I bit up a little more than I could chew! Thanks to the Longest Day SAL in June, when I stitched on length on every WIP, I have very little projects that did not get touched at all, but here are all the ones that didn't see any noteworthy progress:

  1. Snow White - The goal was one length a day but she fell by the wayside pretty early, pretty hard.
  2. Whacky Witches in Stitches - I wanted to finish this, but only worked on it for the Longest Day. Maybe next year?
  3. Viajante - I wanted to finish this, but only got a few hours of knitting in.
  4. Baby Blanket CAL - I think I did a few rows one time, but it's nowhere near to a finish! This is a set goal for early 2019, though.
  5. BB8 - I didn't even get around to hunt for the missing pieces on that one...
  6. Endangered Young 'Uns - not even started.
  7. Fans of the Far East - No progress apart from the Longest Day SAL.
  8. Lizzie Wallet SAL - dito
  9. Lady and the Tramp - dito
  10. Disney Princess Fobs - I stitched one or two in the beginning of the year, but nowhere near to the full set I wanted.
  11. Blackwork Water Lilies - No progress apart from the Longest Day SAL.
So that's eleven out of eighteen I failed on...kind of depressing, if it wasn't for the awesome progress I made on the other seven!

Fire and Ember - all finished and framed:

The Puppeteer - the goal was one length of black a day, and apart from falling behind by a few days over the holidys (which I'll surely catch up on within a week or so), I've been doing great. In fact I'm just a tiny bit short of finishing row four, which marks the halfway point!


99 - Finished in July, well in time to be a birthday gift in August:

The Mermaid - started and made some good progress, although I need to really push forward on her now to make the deadline!

Cut Thru Cottage - Finished in December for a Christmas present:

Arke - finished very early in the year and already worn a lot!

Ornaments of the Month: I still have a few extras to stitch, but made a full set:

So...that was my WIPocalypse for 2018. I have yet to do the total count of finishes for the year, but there were a few big ones and quite a few smaller ones - lots of knitting and crochet as I'm content. Over the last few weeks, I've been making plans for 2019...which are similar, but not quite the same, and probably also way to ambitious, but who cares as long as I make progress and have fun along the way!

Friday 28 December 2018

December Gifted Gorgeousness - Special Christmas Edition

I apologize for the lateness in getting this post up, but with all the gift making going on in December, it just seemed appropriate to wait until after Christmas to write this one. I am currently enjoying a somewhat lazy time, just reading and gaming and crafting at a leasurely pace because the pre-Christmas-madness is finally over!

So...let's see. First, I finished that hat I've been working on. Somehow in the hurry of giving it away, I didn't catch a really good picture, but here it is:

It turned out a little baggy, but it's so warm and soft and I made the pompom detachable following a tutorial from Youtube.

Then, I was working on gifts for two of my coworkers who had babies in November. One is another on of the bunny blankets (it's close to being finished, but I forgot taking a picture), the other is a Baby Surprise Jacket. I love the colours, and had the perfect little bee buttons in stash:

I also finished Cut Thru' Cottage, a present for sister in law and her boyfriend. Felix framed it up perfectly, and I should be happy to be done with all the backstitch - but I just want to start another one right away!

And last but not least, my mum saw the dragon scale wrist warmers I made for my grandma and requested to get a pair of her own, which I made the weekend before Christmas - I think these are my favourite colourway yet, and I should have just enough yarn left over to make another pair!

Thursday 27 December 2018

The people's choice - Dragons!

In the December edition of Jo's 'The people's choice' SAL, our subject is 'Dragons', and you already know what's coming next...after all, there is only one dragon I've been working on for every month of the last two and a half years! I finally finished Fire and Ember in November, and Felix framed it for me last week. Now we only need to find the perfect spot to hang that gorgeous red dragon!

Monday 24 December 2018

Adventcalendar Blog Hop - 24

This year I got the big jackpot in Jo's famous Advent Calendar Blog Hop - Christmas Eve, or Heiligabend, as we call it here! What will you find behind the door?

I actually tried to stitch something new for the hop, but I also had a last-minute present to finish and then there just wasn't enough time to do here is an ornament I did last year - 'Snow Birds' by Country Cottage Needleworks, from the 2013 Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments Special Issu.

So that is one part of the blog hop done, the other part is talking about our favourite Christmas songs. Man, I love Christmas songs...that makes it reeeeally hard to chose just one! So I'll give you a few runner-ups before I get to the number one.

So, the song that makes me feel the most christmas-y inside is the old German Oh du Fröhliche. It's always the last song we sing in church on Christmas Eve, right before we go home and have food and presents, so ever since I was a child it's just pretty much the song that really start's Christmas for me.

Felix' and mine favourite Christmas album for the last couple of years has been 'A Hollens Family Christmas Album' by Peter Hollens. I love that guy...have you seen/heard his version of Angels from the Realm of Glory? Instant-Goosebumps, and time of year!

But my currently favourite Christmas song is his original December Song. I love the music, the text and most of all the message - let everyday be Christmas!

Wednesday 19 December 2018

November Pie

I really don't feel like blogging much lately, so I've had this pie-picture saved and ready for two weeks now...

My overall numbers were a bit lower last month - I think that's mostly because I had rented a game I really wanted to finish fast - but I still got some good work done. I had two do-not-show-yet gifts that I finished (one only had a few minutes as I finished it sometime around 0:30 on December 1st), then I knitted that hat I already showed you (and that would be finished by now if I could only find my pompom maker!), and the wristwarmers for my grandma. I stitched one page each on Fire and Ember and Cut Thru Cottage, and the In The Bleak Midwinter ornament, and did some finish-finishing on the Ornaments of the Month.

Noose is a new, using-up-leftover-yarn project that I started, but there really isn't anything to show just yet:

And the Bascetta Star is a papercraft project that I still vaguely hope to finish by Christmas: