Thursday 2 April 2020

Lady Justice - Confession Time...

Yes, I worked on Lady Justice again, but I have something to confess...I cheated...twice! Everything started as planned, I finished her upper body...but then I just couldn't resist, and instead of stitching her right arm with the scales, I started on the head. I made it past the 100h mark (as planned), but when I reached my 10 hour cut off, the head was sooo close to being finished, in fact, she was just missing a few of her flowers, so I continued for a total of 11 hours and finished her head. So she went from here (kind of headless Greek-statue look):

To here - gorgeous, no longer be-headed, with flowers and hair and blindfold. There will be a lot of beads added to her head, but I think it already looks amazing. There were probably more colours in here than in all the remainder of the design!

So now there's just that pesky right arm (and corresponding shawl thing) left to stitch, but I think Im up to it now. I have to admit that I am getting into a bit of a 'I just want this finished' stage now, but that's okay, I think my next rotation will probably the last ten hours of full cross stitch. Maybe a little more than ten hours, but not a lot! After that, there's a minimal amount of backstitching, and a moderate amount of beading (at least for a Mirabilia I guess it's moderate) and I am VERY much looking forward to that. The finish is getting so close now! I ordered a frame and mounting board, and I really hope it will arrive with the current situation. But then I'm not even sure I'll see my mum for her birthday, so I might not be in that much of a hurry after all!


Carol said...

She is looking amazing, Leonore. I don't know how those of you who do rotation stitching manage to stop and then return to it. I have to plow through to a finish or I'll rarely return :)

Not sure if I'll see my mom on her birthday either--it is in just six weeks so I doubt it. Take good care now!

Clare-Aimetu said...

It's nice to see her head, I wouldn't say you cheated. I was a bit 'glad when it's done' when I stitched the Quiltmaker.

Pamela said...

I agree, this is amazing!

Rachel said...

This is looking fantastic now, and I certainly don't blame you for carrying on past the end of the rotation. It looks like she may well be finished in time for your mum's birthday, and even if you can't give it to her in person you will at least be able send her a photo or video. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

She does look amazing! I can see why you wanted to carry on with her.

Susan said...

Great progress on Lady Justice. I think the extra time was well worth the "cheat". :-)

Bethan said...

I don't blame you for going past the 10 hours - I'd see it more as guidelines than a rule anyway, especially when you are so close to a finish! She is looking great x