Tuesday, 5 April 2022

The March SALs

In the last days of March (and the first days of April, actually) I was once again working on my SALs. That means I stitched up the 4th installment of the Magical Kingdom SAL (since I started this one in December) - it's one of my favourite Disney movies, and maybe my favourite panel of the SAL. I think it's also the biggest one, but doesn't have a lot of detail so it stitched up more quickly:

I also stitched up the March branch on my Temperature Tree (and made a start on the April branch as I needed some more stitches for one of my stitching games). March saw a pretty steady progression from the cooler blue to the warmer greens (but then temperatures took a nosedive again in the beginning of April).


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Your tree is so beautiful! Maybe I'll do that one next year.

Pamela said...

I love the temperature tree!