Wednesday 20 April 2022

Beaded Clip Finish

On the morning of my birthday (which has been almost a month ago...gosh, I really need to pick up the pace here!) I was down to 50 WIPs (as my long term followers might know, that's the magic number for me - anything more just feels overwhelming!) and I really wanted to keep it that way, but knew I had my birthday start planned for later that day - so I went through my list, looking for something that could quickly be finished, and I found this beaded clip, a Mill Hill kit I had started years ago and abandoned. It was, however, almost done, and as such perfect for my cause! So I spent the morning beading, and was done by lunch time:

And I'm glad I finally pulled through - it's very pretty, and dangly, and sparkly, and was a lot of fun to make. I really should do more beading...but where to find the time?!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is a gorgeous clip, is it a hair clip? I like the idea of beading too but really there is no spare time for another hobby!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Congratulations on a super finish, it's lovely.

Pamela said...

Nice finish! I always think I should do more beading also.

Rachel said...

I've not seen anything like this from Mill Hill before. It's really pretty, and I'm sure a morning of beading makes you wonder why it stayed in your WIP box for so long. :)