Tuesday 18 January 2022

New Year, New Start - Bellatrix

In typical me-fashion, just when I think I'm starting to get somewhere with my stitching and blogging, I get obsessed with reorganizing and sorting and doing inventory on my thread stash...it's probably going to take me a couple of days to locate and count all those hidden away threads, but I'm happy I'm finally tackling this project! Still, there is more blogging to do, so let's get into it! 

A couple of friends and I had been talking about starting Bellatrix by Bella Filipina for a good year, and while some of us are still scrambling to get supplies together (I've been waiting on some of the special materials since February...everything seems to be in low supply during this pandemic), I decided to go ahead and start her on New Year's Day. I had a ton of fun, so I kept going for a couple days, and stitched up a little over 5% in ten hours!

Soooo wait, I hear you ask. Bellatrix is wearing a purple dress, isn't she? Well. My friend Ashley decided to turn hers into a fairy princess, and then we all started talking different colours and she did colour conversions for all of us! I was torn for the longest time between this version with red hair and a green dress, and the original, but finally took the plunge on the green and I'm very happy with how it's turning out! If you are curious, here are all the different versions we'll be working on:

I'm not sure how often I will take her out to play this year, but I really enjoy working on her so I hope it'll be quite often!


Pamela said...

Great start! This is an attractive piece.

Rachel said...

Sorting thread stash is important!
Love all the conversions of Bellatrix and would have also had a hard time deciding which one to stitch. You've made a great start; let's hope it's not too long before we see her again. :)

Carol said...

That must be so frustrating to wait that long for supplies. Here, it's the fabric that seems to be hard to come by. I definitely have enough in my stash to keep me busy, though. I really love that green conversion that you chose--and with the red hair! Perfect... So glad you are enjoying stitching her! Have a great week ♥

diamondc said...

Leonore: Nice progress, I like the idea of changing the colors.
I also like that she changed to a Fairy, nice idea.

Have a lovely day

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is a fabulous conversion. The green is gorgeous. I'd have been torn between the cat and the tiny dragon for my choice!

Tiffstitch said...

Oh, that's so cool!! I never though of colour conversions, they're beautiful.