Saturday 13 June 2020

The mischievous Hummingbirds

This is the project that kind of messed up my stitching routine towards the end of May - it was a little kit by artiste for HobbyLobby (pattern designed by Kooler Design Studio) that I picked up during our trip to California two years ago. I finally picked it up to stitch the bookmark as a birthday present for a good friend of mine, and thought I'd easily finish it within ten hours - boy, was I mistaken! I'm still not quite sure what threw me off as it is a small and relatively simple pattern, but I had several miscounts and ended up taking 16:06h. Maybe it was the fact that due to the awkward size of the linen I couldn't use a hoop, and I'm not used to stitching fabric this flimsy without one? It didn't help that I did not enjoy the journey for much of that and was reluctant to pick it up, plus I really wanted to rotate it out after ten hours, but since I needed to finish this in time to mail it out, I really couldn't! In any case, it took me a lot longer than it should have, even though I am pretty content with the result!

Of course I have since finish-finished it and mailed it out and she did like it, so it was all worth it in the end, but I am kind of glad it's done and I can get back to my usual rotation - after finishing the May SALs, I started a new ten hour slot on Dark Forces.


Pamela said...

Very sweet! I love hummingbirds, but they aren’t found in Japan. In the US we had feeders near our windows to watch them.

Rachel said...

Occasionally we all have pieces which should be easy but turn out to be a nuisance. So sorry you had trouble with it, but it does look fantastic and was definitely worth the perseverance. The fact your friend really likes it must be a satisfying bonus. :)

Astrids dragon said...

You'd never know it gave you such a hard time, it looks lovely!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

It is a beautiful design, very delicate. I would have scheduled longer than 10 hours, there's a lot of work in it.