Monday, 29 August 2016

Mad Summer Finish Dash - Day 26

Friday was Felix' Dad's birthday. We had a few party preparations to work on during the day, but also a bit of free time to enjoy the nice and sunny weather. I did a fair bit of reading, but also some stitching on the Fire and Ember SAL that I took with me to focus on during the weekend. This time I actually managed to finish the brown and also the second colour, the second-most used on this page. I was kind of surprised to find it was a dark purple, it's so different from what I got to use so far! But I double checked with the cover picture and realized this is actually a part of the dragon already, how exciting!

I also did a bit of knitting on Viajante later in the evening, when the light was too dim for stitching, but I only managed a few rows, so it doesn't look too differently and I didn't take a new picture.

Oh and I almost forgot the most important part - Felix' grandma was there as well, and we gave her the grandchildren project, and she loved it! I got a lot of praise from her and the other relatives that were there, which made me really happy and proud.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Wow, you've reached the dragon already! Could you put a photo of the finished piece in your side bar so I can compare your progress please?

Tiffstitch said...

Awesome! Great progress on this one and so glad she loved her piece.

Heather said...

That's so great that she loved it! Yay for the dragon I love getting to a drastic color change :)