Wednesday 10 August 2016

Mad Summer Finish Dash - Day 10

Ten days into my MDFD, and I'm still going strong...somehow. At least I'm telling myself that, and I am making progress every day! ...that being said, I got a new game to play today, so progress has been a bit less than I had hoped for, but I still finished the big pink-ish flower and a lot of green, including the next cousin's name. Only two flowers and some leaves left before I can move the snap again!


Suz said...

This is a perfect "why we backstitch" photo ;)
Congrats on your progress!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I agree with Suz! You're doing great and I'm so pleased that you are enjoying it too.

Heather said...

It looks great! What game did you get?

Tiffstitch said...

So close!! Like Heather, I'm wondering what game you got as well. :)