Tuesday 30 January 2024

January WIPocalypse

Hello and welcome for the first proper checkin on the WIPocalypse SAL in 2024! I hope everyone has had a good January so far, I sure have, at least stitching wise (and in some other areas too, I am certainly not complaining). First things first, we have our question of the month, which is Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash. I've actually already talked about that in my introduction post earlier this month - my oldest WIP is a stamped table cloth I lovingly dubbed the Meadow Tablecloth and that I started well over twenty years ago. I had big plans to finish this in 2023 which didn't quite work out, but I actually got it over 3/4th finished, and even continued to work on it throughout January, so I am really, really close now!

The unstitched part in this picture is literally all I need to stitch still! Also, that bit of pink on the flower on the left is the only bit of actually old stitching that is still left. Everything else (which wasn't a lot) looked horrible and was ripped out. This bit I am not super happy with either, but I might leave it so I can actually still call it a 20 year old WIP. On my last tablecloth, though, I did end up restitching everything, so we will see about that!

On to (just slightly) newer WIPs, my big focus project for this SAL is The Loneliness of Autumn, which I am SALing with Rachel. And I am really happy with my progress this month! I added a total of 1961 stitches, which is well on track for a finish this year, and finished filling in not one, not two, but three full pages (and also a partial one, but that was barely ten stitches wide). Obviously, I won't have that kind of success every month, there just weren't a ton of stitched missing on these pages, but it still feels really good.

As you can see, the uppermost row of pages is now fully filled in, and I made a start on the second row. Around the middle of the design, there is a lot more white space left than on the top, so pages will be slower there, although stitches might be quicker (less confetti, hopefully). We will see! For now, I made it to 97,244/118.800 stitches or  81.86% done.


Pamela said...

I love your autumn piece! Isn’t it great to work on the old UFO? You are so close. I am working on my oldest UFO and hope to finish it sometime this year!

Rachel said...

Fingers crossed that you can keep up the momentum on the tablecloth, especially now there's not much left. Getting your oldest WIP finished would definitely be cause for a big celebration!
TLOA is looking absolutely fantastic! Congratulations on so many page finishes this month, and a row as well! Less than 20% to go...

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Autumn is looking amazing! Good luck on finishing the tablecloth soon.