Sunday 4 February 2024

WIPGO - February

My first month of WIPGO is officially over and I am happy to report I hit all my goals (actually, I hit all my crafting goals in January - go, me!) Just eleven months left to go!

First I put in ten hours on The Guardian of Wayfarers, which came up to 1811 stitches. I finished the upper half of the circle and started adding some backstitch. Doesn't it just pop on the deep blues?

New total is 53.63%! I think next time this comes up, I'll try doing 1k cross stitch, then focus on  back stitch for the remainder of the time, just to spice things up a bit.

I also put ten hours into Angel of Cross Stitch, and I learned a couple things: For one, I still enjoy working on it, but I'm still not totally in love with the end product. Which is okay, I'm very much a progress stitcher. The fabric is nice and soft, but not completely even - not enough to mess with the design, I think it's about 1mm off on 5cms or so. The colours and threads are gorgeous. I've also made a mistake, but fixing it would have required unpicking a couple hours of work. Can you spot it?

It seems obvious to me now, that there is a one stitch too much soace between the B and C - but the more I think about it, the more I like the message of it. This whole part of the design is a sampler hanging in the background, o having a mistake in there means even the Angel of Cross Stitch makes mistakes in her stitching...does that make any sense? I guess the point of it all is: not scrapping this one just yet, but also not making it a focus any time soon. I'll just pull it out every now and then for a couple stitches.

So, now what about February? Let's have a look at the board:

So as you can see, we will see GoW again (yay) and the other project for the month will be the Lizzie Stitching Wallet. This was a Mystery SAL from Faby Reilley a couple years ago, I started it when it came out and stitched along until halfway through section 5:

In ten hours I should be able to finish sections 5 and 6 (finish the cross stitch and do backstitch/knots/beads on the right panel). Then I need to put in the outlines for the inside of the wallet, and hope to make a start on section 7 too! The most densly stitched parts are done, so hopefully will get some real progress on this one.


Carol said...

Three lovely projects and nice progress on each, Leonore. I especially love that Stitching Wallet. Beautiful colors! Glad you met your goals for January... Hope February is off to a nice start for you. Enjoy the week ahead ♥

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Guardians is just gorgeous! It must be a joy working with those colours.
The extra space between B and C only sows because you told us it’s there. I think it will be fine.
That wallet is wonderful, looking forward to seeing more of that project.
Good luck with March’s goals,