Tuesday 23 January 2024

January Gifted Gorgeousness

Hello and welcome to the January installment of one of my favourite SALs, Jo's Gifted Gorgeousness, THE place for all things gifted and giftee! For me this is usually the place to show off all the little yarn crafts I make for family and friends, and this month, I got two to show.

First, there is this moebius scarf I made for Felix - I made him one years ago and he picked out a yarn cake shortly afterwards for his next one, and then I just never got around to it. It was one of those things that I started feeling really bad about, so I finally just started in December. I had to adjust the pattern as this was designed as a regular loop scarf and he really wanted the moebius, but once the pattern was set up it worked up pretty quickly! And the colours, which looked rather boring in the cake, really grew on me, as well:

The second project was an amigurumi I started quite some time ago for a friend. I think I even showed the first stage, which was just a purple blobb-ish thing. Then the next step sounded a little annoying in the pattern, so I put it off, and off, and off...now I needed to send said friend some stuff anyways, and that was the push I needed to finally get through it! It was a quick project, just a bit over 5 hours in total, so I am a bit annoyed at myself for not finishing it sooner. But anyways, meet Drifloon, my friends favourite Pokémon! (it's supposed to be shaped after a balloon, in case you can't tell.)

My Spirit of Volcano Wrap that I used to show in this space will be taking a little break...I got a lot of yarnish gifts to make this year (not the least reason for which being no less than 4(!) pregnancy announcements among immediate family and close friends), so these will take precedence for a while. I actually made a tiny start on a baby blanket last weekend, but will show and tell next month, when there actually is something to show!


Rachel said...

Two lovely gifts. The scarf looks so cosy!

Pamela said...

Very nice gifty things. I love the colors in the scarf!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for takimg part in GG this month. Felix's scarf is lovely and the colours look very classic, it should co-ordinate with most of his coats and jumpers.
Cute Pokemon, I still know very little about them other than people spend an enormous amount of money on the "limited edition" stuff.

Tiffstitch said...

I love the drifloon! I've never attempted amigurumi as it seems like they're so fiddly, but I bet your friend loved it. Excellent finish on the mobius scarf as well.