Monday 29 January 2024

January Smalls SAL

Hello and welcome to my very first entry to the Smalls SAL! I've seen this SAL for years on the blogs of a couple of my friends, but as I never stitched that many smalls, haven't joined in so far. But since I am guilty of collecting way too many small charts, I figured it would be a good opportunity to actually stitch a couple of them!

What a nice coincidence it was that right when I decided to join in, the hostess of this SAL switched from Mary, who hosted for the last five years, to Rachel, who already does the FFG SAL on the 10th? I am, of course, happy to join her on this adventure! 

My plan for this SAL is to stitch up all of the Little Sheep Virtues by Little House Needleworks. I had already stitched up the first two of the twelve charts at an earlier time, so for January and December, I am picking something else. 

This is 'Valentine Hare' by the dearly missed Gaynor French of Stitchers Anon. I got a lot of her charts that I want to eventually stitch, and most of them are rather small-ish, so it seemed fitting to start off the SAL with this one! The fabric is a 28ct 'Earthen' Lugana from PTP, and less pink and more brown than this pictures shows. 

This will be finished into this year's Valentine's Day present for my husband, so I hope I'll find a minute to do that next week!


Pamela said...

This is very sweet!

Clare-Aimetu said...

A cute small for Valentine's

Tiffstitch said...

Love this finish. She did animals so well.

Amnicon Studio said...

What a darling cross stitch. I'm guessing it's not available for purchase?

Leonore Winterer said...

Amnicon Studio asked about the pattern bein available, but since they are a non-reply commenter, this is the only way I can think of to respond: The pattern is still avaiable as a freebie here:

Amnicon Studio said...

Thank you so much for responding and sharing the link to the chart. :-)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I knew that was a Gaynor design when I saw it on the Blog Hop! She did such cute designs. Which means it is Holmsley Hare rather than a bunny as we thought!