Sunday 23 July 2023

July Gifted Gorgeousness

Welcome to my July installment of Jo's long running Gifted Gorgeousness SAL, THE place to talk about all things gifted and to be gifted. I'm a little late to check in this month, and that's all thanks to one project - the Snuggle Up blanket which was my big birthday gift in 2022 (the yarn, that is, the crochet is my own work!) and after almost exactly 16 months, I have finished! I was aiming to finish one part (it was released as a 12 part CAL) per month, but the latter parts just took a lot longer, so I slowed down. But now it's finally done, and I present to you in all it's glory:

Snuggle Up - by Morben Design
Used: 5328m of Hobbi Twister 05 + matching solids
Time: 173:40h over 16 months

I turned out pretty big, but also really warm and cuddly! Here's a picture of my wrapped up in it for scale:

It was a massive undertaking, but I did enjoy every minute of it (maybe with the exception of that row of popcorn stitches...those were a little annoying, but also turned out really pretty!). Now hopefully, I can finish up a couple of smaller WIPs before starting my next big project...which I am already excited about so it probably won't be long!


diamondc said...

It is very pretty, what a lovely gift yarn is.
Better late then never.

Carol said...

That is one big, beautiful blanket Leonore! So glad to see it finished and I know you'll enjoy snuggling up in it when the cooler weather comes along this winter. Enjoy your day ♥

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month with your gorgeous Snuggle Up! The colours look fabulous.
Here’s a question - have you ever done Mosaic Crochet? A friend of mine is a crochet designer who specialises in this skill and has just done a mystery box which I gifted to another friend!

Astrids dragon said...

That looks great, I love those colours!