Tuesday 11 July 2023

July Fully Finished Gallery

Welcome to Rachels wonderful Finish-all-the-things Fully Finished Gallery! Every month we try fully finish at least one object, but sometimes we got to get creative...some might even call it cheating!

Turns out July is just as crazy a month as May and June were...I've been really good working on some projects, but nothing that lend itself to FFG....and Felix hurt his hand, so I can't make him frame anything either! So tonight after work, I dove into my treasure trove of small kits (so many things I should stitch sometime! Why do I keep saving these?!) and picked out one I bought in Japan in 2019. It contains two cute kogin stitch buttons, and it took me just over an hours to stitch and finish the first one (I'm obviously saving the other one for the next time I'm running late for thus SAL! ;) ). Here is the stitching:

The kit came with two plastic templates for the buttons, so I just cut the fabric down to size, put it on the template, sewed a line around the back and pulled tight. I also glued some felt to the back (that also came with the kit) and glued it one to cover the gap, but I cut it a little too small so it doesn't cover everything. Still, I think this came out pretty cute, and I think I have an idea for how to use this and its brother, once it's done!


diamondc said...

Leonore: I think this is a beautiful finish, what a grand idea to do a big button, I would like to do some and have a bowl full.


Pamela said...

This is great! Well done!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Cute button and a great idea for last minute FFO'ing!

Toki said...

Kogin buttons are so cute. And, I think you're amazing for being able to make this button quickly.😆

Astrids dragon said...

That is one big button! It looks nice and I'm definitely interested in what you have planned for it.