Friday 7 July 2023

Daisy - 20 Hours

Even though I had to put her away a couple of times to work on other things, I am still very much in love with Miss Daisy, and I don't want to jinx it, but after 20 hours I am prrrretty sure I can stick with her until she's done! I did most of her hair, all her skin and made a start on her dress. That leaves me with some more dress and a lot of roses!

In fact, I think another ten hours should finish most, if not all, of the cross stitch, and then I just need to backstitch the whole thing which shouldn't be too bad...fingers crossed!


diamondc said...

Leonore: I am looking forward to seeing her finished, I really like the color pallet of her design.


Toki said...

It's been a long time since you drew Princess Daisy, but that's the happiness of a Princess.
I feel It's progressing nicely.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Fabulous work, those blocks of colour do progress very quickly.