Tuesday 31 January 2023

Stitching Stats, Q4 (2022)

Well, hello there. My goal was to get these stats up in January so I wouldn't feel 'behind', so, I guess once again, I just so made the deadline! At least this one was a self imposed one. Anyways!

For all of 2022, I tracked my stitching stats, quarterly, and posted about them. It was an experiment, so today, after this post, I'd like to here your thoughts - is this interesting to you at all? I'll keep tracking for my own amusement, but I don't have to write about it if it bores you! And if I continue, are there any other metrics you'd like to see?

As expected, the last quarter of 2022 was a little slower for me, crafting wise, as I started my new job and had a lot of long, busy days. Hopefully things will calm down a bit as I get settled, but we'll see about that. So anyways, in Q4, I had a total of just 187 hours of crafting (down from 251h in Q3). 

I worked on 18 projects (16), but that included Christmas ornaments, so I finished 8 (4) of them (and 2 more since). At the top of the field, there was an unplanned new start on For Every Problem with 32 hours, followed by TLoA at 30 (48) and Snuggle Up at 23 (45). Just a little less time on everything, but the pattern stays more or less the same!

As you can see, the distribution of crafts was also more or less the same, although I spent some time paper piecing over Christmas break and should have some updates on that soon-ish!

Of course, my stitch count also took a nose dive. Here's the whole year for comparison, and you can totally see where I started a new job, can't you? Still, nothing to scoff at, over all!

Just for the fun of it, I also did the other graphs for the whole year. I did *not* include the whole list of projects under the pie chart - for those, I advice you to consult my stats for Q1, Q2, and Q3 - but thought it'd be fun to see the top contenders!


Bridgette said...

You guys that keep such good records make me so jealous. But it is just not in me to keep up with the record keeping, I ahve tried and fell off the wagon multiple times. But I love to look and admire yours!

Rachel said...

I love stats so am quite happy to read about your achievements! What everything does show is just how many different projects you worked on throughout the year, and how consistent your crafting time generally is. I've never kept track of number of stitches, so that's really interesting too. In the end it's your blog so post what you want!!

diamondc said...

Hi Leanore: I find charts amazing; I am not a chart keeper but like to see how you and couple of my other blogger friend's progress.


Pamela said...

This is amazing! I’m sure it is fun to look back on and be able to pick out life event times like starting a new job.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

You know I like a good statistic! I don’t do the stitch count, I’m happy if I get any stitches in on any given day to be honest.