Friday 1 July 2022

Stitching Stats, Q2

As promised, here I am back with my statistic for the second quarter of 2022! I hope you love statistics as much as I do, otherwise, you might want to skip this one, as there are no pretty pictures in it for you.

First things first - I broke my stitching streak (started January 1st) sometime in early May, and I'm okay with that. Felix' sister and her boyfriend were visiting, we were having a great time together, outside most of the day, and then I way laying in bed at night and remembered...shoot, no stitching involved. I think I did a couple minutes of stitching, but honestly, I think I just don't care about it enough. At this point in my life, I'm making sure I can have a good time and get some time for myself without tracking it in a hard manner. Maybe some day it will be right for me, but not just now.

Surprisingly, I did less crafting April to June than I did January to March, despite being out of work the whole time. But I guess that's up to being busy meeting people (which is finally an option again after another locked-down winter...although we are still being careful as much as we can), gaming, and being busy with finishing my thesis/job hunting/reorganizing stuff. I'm still pretty happy with what I got done! In total there were 239h (compared to 251h last quarter) of crafting, split over 15 (22) projects, 6 (10) of which have been finished. That's pretty focused for me! 

The biggest chunks of time went into my Snuggle Up blanket (42h), The Loneliness of Autumn (almost 40h) and Guardian of Wayfarers (30h). All of these are going to be around for a while longer, so this might look similar in Q3. In general, I've been focusing on some bigger projects lately, so many of these might stay the same for next time, while I am also trying to finishing some smaller things. As you might recall, Geostar had been stitched a couple of years ago, so those 51 minutes were all about finish-finishing.

Looking at the graph by craft, as usual, the biggest chunk was stitching, but there was a fair amount of crochet and knitting (all of the latter on one project, the Hufflepuff socks - will have an update on those soon!)

I also have an update on stitch numbers, which are a little lower than in Q1 as well. But between knitting more, and crafting a little less over all, that's a small surprise, as I logged about 10 hours of stitching time less per month than previously!

A good chunk of this was TLoA, which got over 2k stitches each month. Not too bad, eh? An update on this will be up either today or tomorrow I think, whenever I get around to finally posting my June WIPocalypse! 

We'll see how things will go over the summer. I got big plans, both crafting and non-crafting!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I do love a good statistic! I think a lot of people's production goes down in the summer months.
Plus, as you say, spending time with friends and family is so important.
You've still made good progress on quite a few projects over the quarter.

Rachel said...

That's still an awful amount of crafting over three months! Shame about missing the one day, but I'm so glad you're not stressing out about it. Wonder if Q3 will go down even more from being out and about during the summer months? :)