Sunday 19 November 2023

November Fully Finished Gallery

Once again, I am sneaking in right under the radar for this might have noticed I didn't have anything framed in the while. That's because Felix usually does all my framing, but he hurt his hand in May and hasn't been able to do much. But now he's playing his drums again, so I figured that means he'd also be able to do some framing again, and some proding and nagging we are!

So right after finishing my Pumpkin Doodle Cats, I picked up this cool dark-silver frame. Please excuse the bad picture, he literally just did the framing after I mentioned that I really didn't want to break my streak of checking in (just) in time for this SAL!



Pamela said...

Very cute!

Carol said...

Glad to hear Felix is healed enough to start framing again. He does a great job on it--and I love your stitched piece, Leonore. Enjoy your week ♥

diamondc said...

Hello Leonore: I like the frame, I hope his hand heals soon.
Nice finish on stitching and framing.


Rachel said...

Thank you (and Felix again) for contributing towards this month's FFG pieces. Love his work!

Toki said...

I'm glad Felix’s hand has healed. That's good for you too.
By the way, Felix is drummer,right? My husband is also a drummer. My husband is not a professional and is not currently in a band, but he is taking private lesson. We are a couple who love music.♪