Tuesday 22 November 2016

A long time in the making...

...and finally done! I had a finish that justifies another quick update, even if it's much shorter than the last ones. Today, I finally finished knitting the shawl Lestrona I started for my grandma over a year ago. I didn't always love this project, I was arguing with myself whether to start over or not (since I felt I should use a 'better' yarn than ordinary sock yarn to knit such a pattern)...but after all, it was the pattern and the yarn my grandma picked out, and so I stuck to it, made a few mistakes along the way, and finished it anyways, and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out - so far, of course it still needs blocking, but that should be managable before Christmas.

I also did some more stitching and finished 'Second Breakfast' on the Hobbit Meal Planer. Just one more line going up, then three more going down!

I also took a short break over the weekend to work on this month's ornament. November had two to chose from again, and even though both are very very pretty, I had my heart set on the orange one since I have different plans for the yellow one!

And I just realized, I haven't shown you guys the second of my 'crochet a week' yet either! So here it is, much bigger than the first one, so it makes me wonder at which size those will turn out on average.


Bea said...

Busy fingers again. I do like the colour of the shawl and I'm sure your grandmother will be delighted. Nice progress on Meal Planner and your ornament is lovely. Orange is an unusual colour, so it will really stand out.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The shawl is lovely, I am sure Grandma will love it.
I hope you are eating the relevant meals as you stitch too!

Brigitte said...

Das Umhängetuch schaut sehr schön aus, ist dir gut gelungen. Und beim Second Breakfasr bist du ein ganzes stück weitergekommen, nicht schlecht.
Wahrscheinlich hängt es von den Garnen ab, wie groß deine Häkelblöcke werden. Aber ich kenne mich da nicht so aus. Vielleicht häkelt man manchmal auch einfach etwas lockerer oder fester.

Susan said...

Lovely finish. Your Oma will love it. The Hobbit meal planner is great. My son would love it.