Tuesday 6 December 2016

Alphabet Club Catch Up - G

I'm super behind with my being behind! But hopefully, I'll get teo TAC posts out as well as a regular post this week to be kind of up to date again. So without further ado, here comes 'G'!

For this letter's word, I was searching the internet for German words that don't have a proper English translation, and one word I came across was 'Geborgenheit'. Geborgenheit is, generally speaking, a feeling of safety, but more than that - it's also feeling warm and cozy and protected. Like you felt as a child when your mum or dad held you tight and you knew that nothing in the world was going to hurt you - that kind of feeling. I can't think of a good translation off the top of my head, but is there actually none?


Pamela said...

I like that word! Beautiful framed stitching.

Bea said...

That is a beautiful piece of stitching. I cannot think of an English phrase or word that is a good translation. Your explanation is probably as close as you'll get.

Brigitte said...

Du kommst mit sehr guten deutschen Begriffen, die man wirklich kaum übersetzen kann. Bei diesem Wort würde ich mich auch schwer tun.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is an excellent word. Google Translate gives "security" but I think it's rather more than that. We need a word!

Heather said...

Nice word and pretty framing :)