Tuesday 19 December 2023

December Fully Finished Gallery

I swear, December is just getting more busy and exhausting every year! Work is in chaos mode with some people already missing and end-of-year deadlines looming, I'm still exhausted after being sick, it feels like half a dozen Christmas parties need to be attended and chores and tasks just pile on and on! So glad when this week is over and I'm off work for a while. For now, though, that's enough whining, I am here today to (just in time) present you my finished object for Rachel's Fully Finished Gallery this month, and I think (without checking) I actually managed one again every month this year! Still think I gained a couple unfinished objects which is worrisome, but for another day...

This month, I want to show you the first of my Christmas ornaments. I got two more left to fully finish, but should be able to do that on the weekend at the very latest. This one, which will probably be a gift for my mother in law, is called 'Christmas Polar Bear' from the Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 2021. It's designed by a Russan designer called Punochka, who seems to no longer be active on Etsy (as so many Russian designers had to leave after the war started). Isn't it cute?

I did a simple finish with foam board, card board, and some backing fabric. Decided I liked it best without and trimming around the edges, so even though it's not the cleanest corners I've ever done, will leave it this way. I certainly am out of practice with my finishing skills, goes to show I've really taken the easy route most months this year!

But it's also shown me that if I really sit down it just takes 30-60 minutes to actualy finish something, so maybe I can coax myself back into doing a bit more next year. We will see!


Pamela said...

This is so cute! Very well done!

jocondine said...

That's a nice bear! Happy holidays to you ! xxx

Toki said...

It must have been fun and exhausting to have attended six Christmas parties.😵
When I was an office worker, there was a year-end gathering called a year-end party in December. In Japan, unlike today, there was a trend that people couldn't refuse. It was common for the first and second parties to change locations and make a big fuss. The standard after-party is to go to karaoke. I couldn't drink alcohol, so I took care of drunk people.
There were no last trains and I had to take a taxi home, so I had a hard time paying for the year-end party in December.
looking back now, I think I survived pretty well.😁
It's amazing how you don't take time off from sewing even though you're busy with work and parties. But please take care of your body.
The polar bear wearing a red sweater is so cute.

Carol said...

I feel the same way about December being exhausting, and I don't even work--ha ha! I guess it's just my age. Actually, I felt that I was more productive when I did work :)

Your little polat bear ornament is darling--I'm sure your mother-in-law will love it! Merry Christmas, Leonore! ♥

Tiffstitch said...

Excellent finish. That will be a loved ornament.

Rachel said...

Thank you for squeezing your entry in at the last minute again - I always clock-watch on the 19th wondering when your entry will arrive! But arrive it does, as it has every month this year.
The Polar Bear is really cute. Sometimes less is more.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I think the fact that I'm only now commented on this post shows what my December was like!
Love that polar bear.
Apparently, you can buy her designs via this platform - https://boosty.to/punochka