Friday 19 May 2023

May Fully Finished Gallery

Tradition dictate that I sneak in for this SAL on the last day possible, and traditions are important, so who am I to break with them! I'm talking, of course, about Rachel's Fully Finished Gallery, that tries to motivate us each month to do something with all those lovely finishes, besides shoving them in a box. 

This month, I was half working out of that box, half finishing new things, because the following finish uses four squares, two of which were already done and two of which I stitched up in late April and early May. All four were part of the Mini Mystery SAL, a SAL my friend Magical525/Galdra Stafir held throughout most of the the 2020 lockdowns, with a total of 18 (I think?) small patterns, and a new pattern with just a couple of stitches releasing each day. I started doing these in 2020, finishing them up into several little toolies (I got a pincushion biscornu from patterns 1+2, and a needlebook from 3+4), and now I stitched 5-7 and an extra 'backside' pattern to make into a special scissors fob. 

The idea for this I had back in 2020, but I only got it halfway done, stitching the first two patterns on 22ct fabric. Now I went back and stitched to more on 18ct, and then I took some time to make a loooong braid and finish it all up with beads. I finished the two different sized ornaments seperatly, but connected them with a bit of braid, for a fancy two part fob that is bright and big enough for me to never lose my scissors again...or so I'm hoping!

I'm kind of proud because this came out exactly as I pictured it!


Toki said...

Congratulations on completion.
Braids are casually cute.
different sizes are a great idea.

Carol said...

Such a pretty and unique finish, Leonore! I bet that took quite some time with all the beaded edging and making the long braid. I love the look of beaded edges, but rarely do them as I'm really slow at them :) Hope you have a relaxing weekend ♥

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

They are fabulous and will make your scissors really fancy!
I don’t get on with scissor fobs but I do like a nice scissor holder or pouch instead.

Pamela said...

This is very sweet! Love the colors!

Astrids dragon said...

I love this as a scissor fob, it looks great!