Sunday 7 May 2023

Bellatrix - 40 Hours

When I was hunting for my stitchy bug in early April, I tried out a couple of different projects to see which would keep my attention, and one that really 'stuck' was Bellatrix. I hadn't worked on her since July of last year, so it was high time anyways!

As my stitchy bug was hibernating, I didn't want to test its patience with boring background work, so I dove right into the shawl that's draped over Bella's right arm, introducing a whole new set of greens to play with. And I had so much fun! In fact, I spent a little over eleven hours to get the shawl finished on this side, adding 1,891 stitches and pushing Bella to 23.38%! (Don't ask why my phone is in that picture, I only noticed once I had packed her away again!)

Hopefully, it won't be another nine months before I pull her out again - I'm thinking of using her for a facebook challenge that needs a number of stitches in black, and she has a total of 3k to go - it would mean jumping around a little, but also get some potentially boring background (or rather, frame) out of the way, so why not?


Pamela said...

This is so pretty! Great progress!

diamondc said...

Leonore: She is beautiful, that is a boat load of stitche's.


Toki said...

It's work that takes a lot time. But I think it's worth the time.
I want to see Bella several times 9 months.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

She is rather gorgeous! I love her fiery hair. I think the challenge sounds like a good way to work on the black too.

Carol said...

It's funny how a simple change of color can make us regain interest in a project! She is looking gorgeous and I sure hope we get to watch her grow--soon!