So August is halfway gone now, too...time is moving so quickly when your busy! No now desasters here, my grandpa is feeling a little better everyday, although he's still hurting. Work is really busy because we will be off next week and there are quite a few things to finish yet. But as always, I'm getting there.
For Gifted Gorgeousness this month, I can only show you a few shoe-horns...I did finish a small for an exchange last weekend, but since you can never be sure sho might stumble upon your blog, and I don't want to spoil any surprises, I will only post that once it's safe at the recipient!
I finished part 5 of the Steochalong (technically it's pay what you want, which I still have to do). Part 6 has been released, and there are actually 20 options to chose from, plus instructions to make your own, and people are posting new versions of patterns every day! I have yet to decide what I want to do with mine, so I'll put it aside for a while until I can make up my mind.
Another freebie is the Arke CAL - I have finished part 4, and a few rows ago I had to start on my second ball of yarn. I hope I will have enough to finish the last two parts! It's also gotten quite big now, I can just so hold it with my arms stretched out.
Non GG-wise, I finished another week of work on Snowwhite - still using that first colour:
And then yesterday was the start of Carla and mine annual Halloween SAL - we're doing Halloween patterns by Satsuma Street, and I have chosen the cat. We are having our own facebook group and more participants than ever this year, so hopefully it will be a lot of fun!
Unfortunately, this also marks the point of 'just too much going on' for me. Working on everything at once and to a thousand deadlines was fun for a while, now it just started to feel overwhelming, so I'm going to revert my usual modus operandi (or at least it should be my usual, it just seems to work best) for a bit: Pick one project, pick one goal, work on it til it's done, rinse and repeat. I'll keep the daily stitching on the Puppeteer, though. So there might be a few smaller posts coming up, or maybe not, we'll see :)
Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Where does the quote for the Steotchalong come from? I'm interested to see this grow.
I know what you mean about too much going on. I'm ducking out of the Hallowe'en SAL as I want to focus on my WIPocalypse WIPs for the rest of the year.
You've made a lot of progress, even being busy. I have a lot of projects going all the time, but the only deadline is the Smalls SAL. Because it is small, there isn't any pressure. I say do what works to make stitching relaxing.
Awesome progress Leonore. What chart is Snow White?
Lovely progress on all your projects =)
It's good to hear that your Grandpa is his way to recovery and I'm crossing my fingers that he'll be alright soon =)
Toll, wie es bei deinen Projekten vorangegangen ist. Die Blumen oben auf deinem Steachalong Teil sehen so schön aus. Schöne Farben auch in deinem Häkel-Schal. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass Häkeln wieder einmal so modern wird. Als ich jung war, habe ich auch viel gehäkelt, sogar mal einen Bikini, lach. Und den hab ich sogar getragen. Aber mit der Zeit kam das Häkeln ganz aus der Mode und war dann als Oma-Ding verschrieen, so wie Kreuzstich zum Teil auch heute noch (bei uns). Aber wie man sieht - alles feiert einmal Wiederauferstehung. :)
Ja, das kenne ich auch, den Stress mit den Deadlines. Aber seit ich nicht mehr an solchen Dingen teilnehme, ist der Stress weg, obwohl ich viele, viele Projekte habe. Und gestickte Geschenke gibt es nur für wenige Personen in meiner Umgebung.
I cant' wait to see how you finish your Steochalong, what fun!
I can't handle too much at once, I'd rather take my time and stitch whatever calls me. Enjoy your stitching!
Lovely stitching! Yes, life seems to have a habit of getting in the way of stitching. You are wise not to let your stitching become a source of frustration though...who needs what is fun to us to become a burden? I love all your projects, I wonder which one will get your full attention first. I guess I'll have to tune in for your next update...
Lots of lovely progress! I know how you feel with August almost gone by really fast, and lots getting in the way of stitching! Have fun choosing your project x
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