Saturday 19 August 2017

The princess and the pineapple

As mentioned in my last post, I'm going for babysteps now instead of doing everything at once, and as expected, it's working great for the moment :) First, I picked up Snowwhite to finish my stitches for this week, and to make it count I also did the stitches for next week while I was at it - finishing my first colour and a good bit of the next one (although you might not see the difference as Ashley has been doing some amazing colour blending on these patterns).

 Week 3

Week 4

I also did the first part of a new CAL - the 'Ananastuch', or 'Pineapple Shawl' - you'll see why it has that name once there is a little more! I know I still need to finish my Arke CAL, but this one works a little differently - you crochet one part, post a picture, and then you are sent the next one, and in order to participate the first part has to be done before August 31st. So I did it now, and will continue once the Arke is one.

So that's my progress of the week - After another trip to the hospital with grandpa yesterday (don't worry, he's okay - but I'm going to have a heart attack one of these days) I'm now hopefully going to have a little weekend with lots of stitching, and I'll see you around soon.


Pamela said...

Great progress! I look forward to seeing your weekend stitching.

Linda said...

Great progress Leonore.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Can we have a picture of Snow White in the side bar so we can judge your progress!
Hope Grandad is OK now.

Susan said...

Everything looks grand. I took a look at the patterns and they are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more of Snow White and the other princesses.

Brigitte said...

Diese feinen Farbabstufungen bemerkt man oft gar nicht, während man an einem Teil arbeitet. Aber wenn man es dann später von weitem anschaut, dann machen diese Nuancierungen einen tollen Effekt.
Das Ananastuch sieht schon sehr vielversprechend aus.
Ich hoffe, deinem Opa geht es wieder besser.

Lady Stitch-a-Lot said...

Lovely progress =) I am looking forward to see the pineapple grow (Ananastuch rings a bell somewhere, I guess I have to look that one up) ;-)