Thursday 22 December 2022

November Temperature SAL

Oh boy, it's been a busy two weeks, and I just realized I never posted my Temperature Tree for November! This is going to be a quick one, but here we go:

November was quite a bit cooler, with lots of greens and even some blues showing up. I know that for December we'll get deep into the blues and maybe even purples because some days have been frightfully cold! As you can see, I already stitched up the branch for December too, so will just have to fill in the last leaves. It was really hard to be so close to a finish and not be able to finish it!


diamondc said...

Leonore: The tree is a beauty.


jocondine said...

This tree looks amazing, sure December will be more purple, you probably had snow and frost. xxx

Toki said...

Hello Leonore.
I love your temperature tree.😆
Both temperature recording and stitching are great.
The goal is near.
Looking forward to the finished product.🙋

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Your tree looks wonderful! I’ve signed up for a Potions Bottle Temperature SAL next year. I’ve got the fabric and threads sorted, just waiting for the year to start!

Pamela said...

Gorgeous tree!