Saturday 13 March 2021

The People's Choice SAL: Spring

 This month for Jo's wonderfully open-ended SAL, the theme is spring - something I can't feel in the air yet, but I am hoping to feel soon! And just for this occasion, I mustered the most spring-y things I ever stitched. Granted, some of them are just animals I associate with spring, like bunnies and sheep, but looking at this selection still makes we feel warm and fuzzy inside, and I hope it does that for your as well!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. Because nothing says Spring like a bunny pooping out hearts!

Carol said...

Such a wonderful array of spring finishes, Leonore! I hope things warm up over there soon. The sun is shining here today, but rain is called for the rest of the week. It is definitely warming up, though :) Enjoy your week ♥

Pamela said...

You have lots of great spring pieces! I really like the two biscornu.

Susan said...

I love how spring stitching leans towards rabbits and sheep - two of my favorite animals. That bunny biscornu is too cute. Do you remember the designer? That would be the perfect Easter gift for my great-niece (some year).