Sunday 17 May 2020

Bloodmoon - finished at 38 hours

I really need to get that FFG pst up, but going chronologically, this has to come first! Sorry Rachel, hopefully tomorrow.

So, after my rotation on The Mermaid, I pulled out Bloodmoon - it was my Halloween '19 start and had been sadly neglected albeit being very close to a finish! Again, it seems to be one of those projects that don't have a good, current picture on this blog - I most have been really neglectful at updating last year, even worse than now. Anyways, here is where we started out:

And here's a finish, about eight hours later:

Aren't all those reds just gorgeous? I so love the way they pop on the black. They are hard to photograph right, but this is pretty close.
No knitting to make up for the time difference, since I spent some more time to finish-finish this...but that is a story for another day. As I said - hopefully tomorrow!


Pamela said...

This is gorgeous!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on the happy dance, this is a stunning piece.

Rachel said...

Oh, Blood Moon is so atmospheric, especially on the black fabric. Congratulations on your finish. :)

Bethan said...

Oh wow that is awesome - and like you said, the colours really pop on the black background x

Astrids dragon said...

Wow, what a fantastic moon finish! Yes, those colours are gorgeous.