Thursday 2 March 2017

February WIPocalypse

Since I'm always a few days late with this kind of checking, and hearing the same lame excuses over and over is just boring, I decided that everything less than a week doesn't count, so I can just lunge right into the February WIPocalypse! The question of the month is What is your favorite stitch other than the standard cross stitch?  (bonus points if you provide a how-to link or diagram it on your blog post!)
Problem is, I don't have very much experience with specialty stitches. I love them when they come up, and I've done a few band samplers that did use a lot of them, but I can't really name them or decide on a favourite, sorry. I really need to work on that more!

Now for something I can show, that is progress! I did finish the next page on my Fire and Ember SAL, which was a bit difficult - somehow, the left and right side of the fix didn't want to stay aligned, and I had to work some serious magic to get them to comply - but I think it does look pretty okay in the end. I hope the next page will be more cooperative, so this won't take ages!

I also couldn't help stitching a bit on Fans of the Far East, despite all the other stuff I should be working on (I did work on some of it and even have a finish to report, but one of the can't-show-yet kind!). I finished the blue on the left (as far as it fit inside the frame) and also a bit more of the gold background of the first fan.

Next, Felix helped me to finally frame the Hobbits Mealplan for his brother - we'll be meeting him this weekend to finally give it to him, so it was high time! We picked a simple old-ish looking silver frame, and I think Felix did a marvelous job again.

Last but not least, I continued stitching my one length of black on the Puppeteer each day and finished the first page. There's actually a little mistake in there, but it's just background and it would have required a LOT of frogging (like, one week backwards) so I decided I'll either fix it when I get there or leave it. This first page has about 1.800 stitches of black, and the second page has even more as it's almost entirely black. So far, I only got around 125 stitches into that second page, though (I'm only doing the exact counting as I finish off a page, I was always off with the daily count anyways!)


Pamela said...

Fans of the Far East is gorgeous! I totally understand why you can't help stitching on it!

Katie said...

Fantastic progress on everything. Good luck with the next month's work.

Linda said...

Awesome progress Leonore. Your framed piece is beautiful.


Justine said...

You both did a fantastic job of framing Hobbit Meal plan, I'm sure it will be appreciated. A lovely update. I really like your Fans piece.

Mii Stitch said...

Love the Hobbit model even more than before :)
Great stitching progress!

Brigitte said...

Oh ja, das ist alles vorzeigbar und sieht toll aus. Einen tollen Rahmen habt ihr für den Mealplan gefunden, das sieht so richtig edel aus. Ich bin sicher, das wird gut ankommen.
Das glaube ich gerne, dass das angefügte Stück ein bisschen Probleme gemacht hat, aber wenn du Fire and Amber fertig hast, wird man davon nichts mehr merken.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great work. The meal plan looks wonderful framed. Fire & Ember is growing nicely and Fans is just beautiful.

Heather said...

So much black lol it would drive me crazy! Looks great though :). Great job framing too