Thursday 5 May 2016

Just some regular progress...

It hasn't happend in some time, but it's true - here I am, no SAL checkin due, no super exciting start or finish, just writing because I made some progress I would like to share. Maybe I can get into that regular blogging thing again~

I've been weaving in ends and working on the second part of the Rainbow Blanket CAL (for some reason I kept typing 'blanked' last week...). This time I've been weaving in the ends on the go, so I can dive right into part 3. The rows 11-20 had some granny stripes (I love those) and a lot of basic stitches, and it looks like the next part will be just as colourful and maybe even more fun :)

With me being all excited about crochet, I didn't get that much stitching done, but I did finish the next column of Dark Forces (still a lot of colour changes, I think the whole pages is a little complex) and the last bands of the 'Perfectly kept house' sampler. There are still three tiny buttons to attach, but I'll do that with the framing, as soon as a find a fitting frame. Now I will work on the last three pages of Cut Thru' Cottage and hope to finish those before I pick up something else (although I might work on an entry for the Stitching Pirates Sampler Contest in between).

I also did some knitting on the watermelon socks and started the heel on the first one; at this speed I might be able to cast on the second sock next week:

We will be at Felix' parents for the weekend, so I'll take the socks and Lady with my and hopefully have some more progress to show next week.


Heather said...

Nice progress keep it up!

Tiffstitch said...

Excellent work on everything and I hope you have a nice weekend!

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

the colors on the blanket are beautiful! I'll bet you finish those socks next week!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Nice to see regular blog posts! The SALs do make it easier to think of titles LOL

Great work on your rainbow blanket.

Justine said...

What a lovely update! Your rainbow blanket is coming along nicely. Hope you have a nice weekend!

Brigitte said...

Wahrscheinlich hast du auch ein Rechtschreibprogramm, das immer wieder Sachen verbessert, die du gar nicht verbessert haben willst, daher vielleicht "blanked", lol. Ich bin immer wieder total entnervt, wenn mein Program das Wort "Kisselchen" nicht mag.
Schöner Fortschritt an deinen Projekten. Ich hoffe, du hattest ein schönes Wochenende und konntest ein bisschen an der Lady sticken.

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

Gosh I have been away from your blog for awhile! Look at all the good stuff!