Thursday 13 March 2014


Just a quick reminder that although learning like crazy (just 18 more hours and I'm free! Free of exams for ever! Hopefully.) I'm still alive and also stitching as fast as I can. It took me another three days to finish Larky Lucky, the second of the two guinea pigs I'm making for my grandma. So have a picture and another progress .gif:

I ordered frames for them two days ago because obviously, our local furniture store has lots and lots of frames, but none of them are square-sized - I really hope the parcel gets here tomorrow so I can give them to my grandma while it's still her birthday. Anyways, guinea pigs finished, back to some border stitching.

On a side note, we also watched Kill Bill Vol. 2 by now, which is like a totally different movie from Vol. 1 but still really awesome. Can't wait to have more time to watch stuff and stitch again.


katjakay said...

Awe, that one is adorable as well

Kate Featherstitch said...

Another animated cutie! I like the startled little expression on his face. :)

Unknown said...

I love the animated gif. I need to figure out how to do that so I can do one for Emma's announcement when I have it all finished. :)

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

I love the gif!!

Leonore Winterer said...

Isn't it? I can't wait to make the other two ^_^

Leonore Winterer said...

Haha yeah, he's like 'Omnomno--why are you looking at me?!'

Leonore Winterer said...

I can show you if you want, it's not that complicated :)

Leonore Winterer said...
