Monday 11 February 2019

January Stitchy Pie

Oh boy, oh that white rabbit, I am very, very late! The good thing about that is that every project I'm going to talk about, you've already seen, so I'll have a much easier time explaining. 

As you can see, I've mostly worked on the usual suspects...I'm glad to see how little time my three new SALs have been eating! The Blackwork SAL will be even quicker every month now that the outer border is done. That means I get to work on them and still put the majority of my time into finishing stuff off. And don't ask my how I managed to work on the Noose for just five's never going to go anywhere at this rate!
My total time of the month shows that, while I'm being a big couch potato recently, I'm also still in a passionate gaming phase. Still, I got a lot done and don't think 80 hours is too bad all together :)


Magical Mystery said...

Great progress on all of your projects! It's nice to see that the Blackwork and Mamluk SALs are not eating too much time.. I knew of course that I could do them quickly but seeing someone else do them fast too is nice :)

Well if you translated your 80 hours into a work week you'd have a nice part time job!

Keebles said...

I wish I could be that organized! Oh my goodness! You are my new goddess!

Pamela said...

Eighty and a half hours is amazing. I've never tried to keep track of how long I stitch. I might be surprised. You've made a lot of progress this month!

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

I love your pie! Everything on it has a bit of time! Maybe I should "touch" each of my projects for one minute to have more on my pie? Would that be cheating?

Rachel said...

I like seeing breakdowns like this, probably because I'm obsessed with keeping similar records, although I don't create charts with the data. Perhaps I should?! :)

Susan said...

WOW! I am amazed at how much you get done in a month. I'd be very happy with 5 minutes on any project.

Leonore Winterer said...

That's another reason why I love my timers - it helps me to see what kind of projects I can and can't do quickly.
I wish stitching could be a part time job...I'd even do it full time I I found someone to pay me, haha :D

Magical Mystery said...

Good point - I do tend to underestimate how long the 50 x 50 things take.

You and me both! would be fun to get proper pay for what I do without having to worry about things.

Leonore Winterer said...

I feel so fluttery having that many projects in there with just a little bit of time! But it's also fun to give a little bit of love to everything.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great chart! I don't track the time because I get interrupted so much at home LOL. An hour away from home sees twice as much stitching.

Leonore Winterer said...

I'm curious how this will look like throughout the year. Some weeks and months feel like I don't get any stitching done at all!