Wednesday 27 April 2016

April WIPocalypse

So as promised, it's time for the belated WIPocalypse post, and I have a few new things to show, so I hope it was worth the wait. But first, for this month's WIPocalypse question, which is What do you listen to while stitching? I'm personally not a big fan of audio books - I've tried, and there's a few books for which it works nicely, mostly funny ones or one's with accents - but most of the time I just don't get that great feeling of reading, so I stick to printed books (or e-inked ones ;) ). While stitching, I prefer watching TV shows on amazon prime. It's easier with shows that have more talking and less action, but Felix is trained well and will explain to me what's happening when I can't watch for a moment. Sometimes I also listen to online lectures on coursera or udemy, they have very interesting stuff for free :)

Now I promised you pictures, and pictures you shall have! Felix and I did a bit of framing over the weekend. He did Link, which didnt fit in the frame I bought for it, but was perfect in a different frame I got for cheap a while back, and he did a really great job of it. And I finally finished framing the Stacy's Mystery Band Sampler I stitched last year - I started framing it last year but couldn't get it to be perfectly straight, so I put it aside, but after revisiting I think I can live with how it looks, so I only need to find a place to hang it now :)

Of course I also did some stitching. I added about 1.000 stitches to Dark Forces since I picked it up again - the first column had a ton of different colours and took quite a while to stitch, the second one is going much smoother. I really enjoy stitching on this again, although the stitches (2 over one on 22ct Hardanger fabric) are looking much messier than the 1 over 1 on Kitsune. But the coverage is great and drom two steps away noone can see it :D


   I also stitched some more on A perfectly kept House and finished the writing at the top. I started the first of four band at the bottom but just realized I misscounted on the red flowers, so I will have to redo them, then hopefully finish quickly.

I also worked on some knitting. I stalked Ravelry a lot, planning new stuff, but first there was one I had to finish, another pair of wrist warmers for my grandma from the remaining floss I had from the socks I recently did. I'm not sure I ever mentioned what yarn I used, but it's Lana Grossa 'Meilenweit' in Neon, Colourway 4108.

I was actually planning a new start, but since apparently I can't even get the most basic crochet supplies (like some nice cotton yarn in decent colours) on a Saturday afternoon, I had to order again and only got my supplies today. I'll tell you about it next time, but what I can tell you is it's colourful, fun and also a bit sad - have a sneak preview below ;)

Oh and then I also got some very happy mail yesterday - last week I won Jo's GGG (Gifted Gorgeousness Giveaway) for the beautiful 'Strawberries' Chart by Eileen Bennett, which I can't wait to stitch, I just need to get the perle thread first :) Thank you very much, Jo!


Heather said...

Beautiful stitching congrats on the giveaway!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

lovely framed pieces and great stitching on Dark Forces.
Your crochet yarn looks gorgeous,looking forward to seeing what you use it for.

D1-D2 said...

I love your Link <3

Linda said...

Awesome post Leonore. Your framed pieces turned out great.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great work on your WIPocalypse pieces this month.

I am glad the chart arrived so quickly too, good old European post!

Brigitte said...

Die Rahmungen sind euch sehr gut gelungen. Und bei den zwei WIPocalypse Teilen hast du wirklich guten Fortschritt gemacht.
Kann ich gut verstehen, dass du den Strawberry Sampler so bald wie möglich anfangen möchtest. Diese band sampler haben schon etwas Besonderes an sich.

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

There is so much to see! gosh I just want to run right over and dig through your stash and play with your new yarn :D