Monday 4 January 2016

January - Plans?

So, it's the start of January - a new year, a new slate. Everywhere around me I get to read blog posts about exciting new plans and starts and 'to do' lists for the year, and a huge part of me is screaming to do the same - but I will not, for this year my only plan is - to not make any plans :D Don't get me wrong, I love making plans and checking off todo lists, but they never work out and I always end up stressed because they don't. And for my stitching, it usually means that if you can't finish something within the set timeframe, I won't finish it at all or at least not for a long time. So this year, no lengthy plans, no to do lists, just me, my stitching, and hopefully lots of finishes!

Of course I do have some plans after all...but I'll keep them in my head. Somehow, as long as they are only in my head, plans feel more like guidelines than strict goals and that's okay by me. I won't even tell you about what I'm about to work on - I'll just pick one thing at a time and work on it until I get it one, no matter how long it takes or what might distract me along the way. I'll try to avoid deadlines, and be less strict with myself if I do miss any. At least that's the theory, let's see how that'll work out :)

So for SALs, I'm also focusing on the low maintenance one's this year. I'll still finish up my holiday posts (two more to go) and round up DESIGN. And getting all your comments answered, I've been superlazy at that lately. I'll try to keep up with the Alphabet Club, and I'll keep doing WIPocalypse and Gifted Gorgeousness since some of my projects always qualify for it - and I'll try to keep it at that ^^

Now, enough of the lengthy text - of course I spent me time doing more than just making non-existing plans! However, after the pre-christmas stitching marothons I didn't feel like cross stitching much, so I mostly turned to knitting over the holidays. My grandma has problems with cold hands and wrists since her carpal tunnels surgeries, so I made her a pair of Jacoby fingerless mittens. It was my first project using double pointed needles, and a really pleasant one too :) Grandma loves them and wears them all the time now, which makes me really happy!

After that, I started my first set of socks for a colleague. I'll be doing the easy sock which is supposed to be much less complicated than the usual ones in the heel area, but I'll talk about that some more once I get to it.

In the meantime, I've also gotten back to stitching - currently I'm pushing for a finish on the Frosted Pumpkin Halloween Sampler, and Felix is framing my last finish of 2015, so hopefully I'll have some new pretty pictures to show soon. No promises on the time, though ;)


Linda said...

Lovely knitting Leonore. I'm looking forward to seeing your stitching.


Tiffstitch said...

Great mitts and I love your sock yarn! I hope the heel goes well.

Heather said...

Great knitting I love the sock yarn. You may have to make s pair of mittens for grandma in each color now so she can match her outfits ;).

Anonymous said...

I love the not telling method. You can't even really say it to yourself out loud because that ruins the mood of what you do. It's spontaneous, different of you, and I love it!

Those mittens are fantastic by the way.

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

I have some woolie type yarn that would make more lovely handwarmers for Grandma! Or maybe I will try making them...I'm undecided which is perfect for your "plans" hahahaha!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great knitting, I get cold hands too.
I like the SALs where you just post whatever you're currently stitching that vaguely fits in!

Brigitte said...

Ich liebe es Pläne für meine weiteren Stickarbeiten zu machen. Wohl wissend, dass sich die wenigsten realisieren lassen. Aber es macht halt Spaß :))
Schön sind die fingerlosen Handschuhe für deine Oma geworden.

Emma/Itzy said...

I am doing the same this year - too many big things happening so I knew even if I made plans I wouldn't stick to them!