Monday, 3 February 2025

January Smalls SAL

Welcome to the January entry for the Smalls SAL, hosted over at Rachel's this year. I don't have any plany to stitch something especially for this every month, because that didn't quite work out last year, but if I got something that fits, I'll happily post it!

In January I had a start that is pushing the envelope a bit for 'small' - it's 73x120 stitches and as I'm stitching it on 28ct over 2, it feels huge! But I'm still going to count it.

This is the January installment of the Year of the Hare SAL that was published by Stitchers Anon some years ago, when she was still around. I didn't have any plans of starting this SAL this year suddenly found it calling my name, so who am I to deny it!

I'm going to stitch this as four seperate panels of three patterns each, which is the way it was originally designed. I don't have any illusions of stitching a part of this every month, but I'd like to finish the first panel this year, if possible! So you might be seeing sweet Holmsey Hare again in the coming months.


Pamela said...

This is adorably sweet!

Carol said...

Aww... I just love that sweet finish you have for January, Leonore! I'm sure that does feel large on 28ct. Hope your February is off to a wonderful start! ♥