Sunday, 16 February 2025

February Fully Finished Gallery

For February, I stitched and finish-finished two quick smalls - an evening of stitching each, and an afternoon to finish both of them into Valentine's cards!

This is the one I made for Felix - it's a freebie from Cottage Garden Samplings. It's designed in two colours, but I opted to do it all in one overdyed (a gorgeous red from xJu Design) and using gold as an accent just for the little heart.

I then cut red card, made a cut out in the right size and shape, and glued my stitching in by sandwiching it with another piece of card from the back.


The second card was for my best friend. It's a tiny freebie from Frosted Pumpkin stitchery (I don't think it's online, though...I picked it up from the freebie table at a retreat, it looks like a post card that comes with a purchase or something). I stitched it on some left over fabric, then just cut it to size and glued it on a card. Added some text and stickers and voilá.

 I was glad to stitch both of these patterns that I've been meaning to get to for a while, and to bring them to good use too!


Pamela said...

Well done!

Carol said...

Both of your cards are so cute, Leonore. I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day! ♥