Tuesday 25 October 2016

October WIPocalypse

Hello my lovelies! I'm a bit late for this month's WIPocalypse, but I am also bringing presents...well, pretty pictures of pretty stuff, at least! I've been busy as ever, but now we have two weeks off work and we fully intend to enjoy those, and with the weather being gray and wet as it is, enjoying also means a lot of crafting time for me. But first, onto the topic of october: What online stitching communities do you enjoy? Online stitching communities started with the Stitching Pirates group on deviantArt for me, then came blogging, then a few groups on facebook (and also, not for stitching, but for knitting and crochet, ravelry). Apart from blogging, though, I'm more of a passive member, I occasionaly update on dA (sorry Carla, I promise to try and be better!), but I hardly post my stuff on facebook...I do enjoy reading along and looking at other people's pretty work, though! Online communities are pretty much the only way for me to chat about these kind of hobbies, as I hardly know any stitchers in real life.

Now for my progress in the last...has it been two weeks already? First, I finished page 4 of the Fire and Ember SAL. I thin this page looks really really awesome, I can't stop looking at it, and I even managed to get ist pretty well on the picture:

Next, I worked on the October installment of Magical's monthly ornaments. Here is pink opal - I really enjoyed working on this one, especially with the light pink. It's a colour I don't use often, but I think it's really pretty!

Then, to get back to my list, I knitted up the second pair of baby booties. I don't think you can see in the picture, but I did those a bit different, I think I read the pattern wrong in one point for the first pair. Doesn't look much different, but a lot easier to make! Also, I used the same yarn as for the others, since the leftover of a jacket was just barely enough, and my leftovers all weigh in differently, so...I didn't want to risk running out. And I still had a full ball of this orange/green yarn.

Lastly, I got the threads for my next project, which will be LotR-themed and mostly text, colours on black...so I played around a bit and ordered this wonderful colours of Nina's hand dyed floss from Hungary. Can't wait to get going with this <3


Tiffstitch said...

Nice progress, and I love the dragon ridges/scales, so cool!! Is your next one the Hobbit lunch menu?

Bea said...

Your needles have been busy. Those booties are SO cute. Love the floss colours for your latest project.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Is Tiff right? I love that one! We follow that diet here too.
Great work on your stitching and knitting alike.

Brigitte said...

Und wieder etwas geschafft für die Geschenkkiste, und auch Fortschritt bei deinen eigenen Werken. Auf dein neues Projekt bin ich sehr gespannt - tolle Farben aus schwarzem Stickstoff sieht schon mal sehr vielversprechend aus.
Mir geht es ganz ähnlich wie dir. Wenn ich nicht mit Bloggerinnen in Kontakt wäre, dann könnte ich mich mit niemandem übers Sticken unterhalten. Nachdem meine ehemaligen Stickfreundinnen in der näheren (na ja, etwas weiter schon) Umgebung das Sticken aufgegeben haben und nur noch stricken, kann ich mich nur noch online mit Stickerinnen treffen. Schade, dass dieses tolle Hobby hier so unpopulär ist.

Heather said...

Ooo those colors will look great on black! Great progress!