Monday 6 June 2016

June already? - Progress

I often find myself wondering these days...where the heck did May go? Wasn't is just my birthday in March? Time is running and flying, but at least my needle is doing the same and I have some nice progress to show (nice transition there, eh?). So, let me show you where my current WIPs are at:

I'm still focusing my stitching time on the Grandchildren Sampler - I couldn't resist joining another SAL starting in July (not telling what it is yet!), and the next round of our Halloween SAL is starting in August (you can read about that one on Carla's dA here), so I need to hurry and focus a bit on that one. And I made some nice progress, finishing the lower left corner, so I suppose I am about one third done with the whole thing (minus the customization, which I will need to do some re-charting for).

I also managed do do another 10 rows on the baby blanket CAL, so it's a total of 50 rows now. The new stitch this time was a so-called bubble stitch, which was a lot of fun to do and is even more fun to touch. What a lovely idea to include stitches that feel all differently in a blanket for a baby, with the colours and the different sensations a little one can have a lot of fun with this blanket I suppose!

And on top of everything, I even found some time for knitting. I finally finished the first of my Melon socks and started the ribbing section on the second one, and I started a new project as well - last christmas, I decided to treat myself to the StrickMich! knitting club, where you get yarn and a pattern four times a year. The first one arrived in February, and after the second package got here in May I finally wanted to start the first one! The pattern is called Snowflake Party, which is not very fitting for the season, but the yarn is so lovely to knit with even when it's hot out - sock yarn weight, 50% merino and 50% silk, so light and so, so soft! The pattern is great as well, featuring a border of lovely snowflake/flower structures, and a lot of easy plain knitting. Such fun! I'm at 6 (of 14) repeats of the basic pattern now, and of course the shawl is growing at each repetition.


Tiffstitch said...

Great progress on everything! I love the idea of the baby blanket as well. I can't crochet, but I've knitted one that had a pebbly texture and seemed well liked.

Linda said...

Lovely projects Leonore.


Heather said...

Wow great progress!

Brigitte said...

Ja, diese SALs sind schon sehr verführerisch, nicht wahr. Ich spreche da auch aus Erfahrung, lol. Toller Fortschritt auf deinem Stickprojekt seit letztem Mal. Und auch die Babydecke hat guten Fortschritt gemacht. Toll, wie viele verschiedene Projekte du am laufen hast, das sorgt immer wieder für Abwechslung. Ich freue mich schon darauf, den Schal (ist das auch auf deutsch ein Schal?) wachsen zu sehen.

Einen ganz speziellen Dank für deinen Kommentar zu meinem letzten Blogeintrag - Ich liebe deine Idee, die Buchstaben-Häuser auf meinem Village ABC so weit zu sticken, daß ich sie für den Alphabet Club verwenden kann. Und das geniale daran ist, daß ich nur eine neue Reihe anfangen muss und ich bin auf dem laufenden. Danke für diese tolle Idee :)))

Susan said...

Wonderful progress on everything. Love the colors in the grandchildren sampler. That baby blanket is too cute - love the colors and textures.

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...