Friday 1 May 2015

A bit of catching up

I have a nice, three-day weekend ahead of me - so before I lunge right into that (or talk about why there are three days - yup, another holiday post coming up), I should catch up a bit on what I have done during the lat 1 1/2 weeks. I actually wanted to post this on Monday or Tuesday, but I was kind of lazy occupied with other things :D

Good girl that I am, I continued my one-row-a-week on Dark Force, so I can show you row 17 from last week and row 18 from this week. The page I am on now has quite a bit of color blocking, making my stitching faster and thus leaving more time for my other projects. This two only took me 2 and 3 days to stitch :)

Last weekend we were at Felix' parents, because the band he and his family play in had their yearly concert. I took Lady & the Tramp with me, but didn't find much time to stitch, I just filled in some more browns. It's funny, everytime I work on this looking on a small area it feelx like I'm making tons of progress, but then I look at the whole page and it seems like nothing at all!

I also crocheted some more on Soyeux, mostly on the car ride - fixed that two rows I had had to rip, and got a few more pattern repeats in.

Appart from the crafting, I did a lot of gaming those last weeks, probably one of the reasons I didn't get to update here sooner. I even manage to finish two: one was a silly little match-3 game called Juwel Keepers: Easter Islands, which was free for PSP some years ago. It's 40 levels, some quite challenging, and I kept playing a few here and there until I finally got the last one done ast weekend. the other game I finished is Mass Effect. I think it has reached the status of a modern classic by now, a really great SciFi-RPG by BioWare. Not to great for completion-perfectionists like me, since I needed three playthroughs, and there are a LOT of side quests, but strangely enough, I still had fun the third time around, so that's okay I guess :) I'm currently downloading the sequel and really looking forward to playing that.

On the watching front, there was more Supernatural (S5, E16-22 and S7, E1) and How I met your Mother (S1, E16-22 and S2, S1-10). We also went to the cinema on Monday with a few collegues to see a movie called Ex Machina. It's a british relativley low budget production with a very interesting take on KIs, we really liked it but it's also one of those movies that make you think about it long after you left the cinema. If you like SciFi and philosophy and have a chance to catch this, I highly recommend watching it.


Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

So much lovely! I've been considering trying something like what you are doing with DF for COSMOS and think I can do that, but more thinking is required :D

Linda said...

Nice progress on everything Leonore.


Justine said...

Great progress Leonore. I love Dark Force, it's so atmospheric.

Leonore Winterer said...

I'm sure you could, and it would probably be a great way to get your berserking on the one hand in touch with stitching really large projects on the other hand. But then you do have a lot of 'constant' themes going on already too...

Leonore Winterer said...

Thank you! I know exactly what you mean I think, there's not much of an actual motif to see yet but the colors and the shading are still beautiful...

katjakay said...

Dark Force is going so fast, I love the colour of Soyeux