Friday 17 October 2014


We moved on Wednesday, and despie being very chaotic and lacking lots of things yet, I can already say that I'm totally in love with this place! It's light and quiet (perfect conditions for nerding and stitching and such), I get a little corner for myself, and so far life with Felix is pretty good; we managed more than 24 hours without arguing about anything and then it was only light quarels. Success! Now, before I head back into the crazyness that is out move (and going to a concert tonight for which we have tickets since May...didn't even think about moving at this time back then), let me just drop a real quick weekls + Pre-IHSW post:

I continued to work on Angel of Frost whenever I could, and I'm now well into the next you can see, I worked both on her cloak and on the back fore ground in the lower right corner. I can't see yet how much stitching will hapen for the next couple days, but I got a little stiching corner set up (matress to sit on, TV to watch, light to stitch by), so I'll try to make it some.

On Halloween town, I finished the second (actually first) clue by finishing the tree and adding an owl, and I'm afraid that's where it will have to stay for a while - there are now longer nightly talks with my grandparents where I can't take Angel of Frost with me (not that I don't get

to see them anymore, but we mostly visit by daytime, and without stitching), so this project will have to wait until AoF is finished.

For watching, we did finish Vikings S2 before the move (only the last episode remained), and it was a good end - epic and without a cliff hanger, I like & I want a season 3! We then started Supernatural S2 by watching the first three episodes, and it continues to be as awesome as it started of, I hope to get some more in before the weekend is over. 

The first night at out new apartment, we didn't have internet access, so without amazon prime we finally got to watch The Lego Movie, which I had bought on BlueRay a while back - everything was awesome!

And now I will head bacl to a weekend full of shopping and building furniture and doing other stuff and, hopefully, a bit of stiching. Happy IHSW everyone, hermit a bit for me as well!


Becca said...

Good luck with settling in! Enjoy the concert.

Susan said...

Moving is so stressful, I am amazed that you were able to get all that stitching done in the midst of it. Enjoy your new place.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I agree with Susan above. I can't believe you got stitching in while you've been moving. Take your time and have tons of fun at that concert.

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

Success!! Stitching, moving and watching shows....I'm very impressed with how you managed all of that!

katjakay said...

Glad the move is going well, enjoy the concert.
I admit I have yet to watch the Lego Movie, but everyone tells me it's amazing, I'll get to it eventually

Leonore Winterer said...

Thanks! Concert was great ^_^

Leonore Winterer said...

I think I needed that stiching to keep me from going a bit insane...we will, and it looks moe and more like a place one would want to life in ^_^

Leonore Winterer said...

Thank you! As I said to Susan, I just need a it of stitching for my sanity's sake, but most of that progress was done before the move actually.

Leonore Winterer said...

I'm doing my best, and so far it seems to work!

Leonore Winterer said...

Thanks, we did!
The Lego movie is quite awesome, but frankly, it's not the revelation some people make it up to be in my opinion...still, very enjoyable.