January is almost over (when did THAT happen?!), and so far, 2025 has...been a bit of a challenge. My grandma spent a week in the hospital (she's back home and fine, thank heavens), which in turn messed up my work schedule a lot and I'm still catching up on stuff. My husband went to a concert last week and came back with a bit of a respitory bug so now we are just hoping me and grandma won't catch it. Otherwise, things have been great! I got a bit of decent crafting in, had a couple great gaming nights with friends, and got some stuff crossed off my todo list! I've also done a lot better keeping up with my blogging, as I hope you noticed. So, very mixed bag so far, and that is without counting everything else going on in the world!
So, despite my brain telling me the year only just started, it's already time for January WIPocalypse! The question Measi poses this month is Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash. That would be the last of my printed table cloth kits. I don't know if it has an official name, I'm just calling it the Blue Tablecloth. Coincidentally, Measi has also be talking about the One-stitch-a-day challenge that she'll be holding in March, and traditionally I bring out my oldest WIPs for that, so you might see this again very soon!
The next page also still has a lot of work to do, so I'm not sure I'll get it all filled in in February, but it's (almost) the last page that still has this much white space - after this, should be moving a lot quicker! Fingers crossed that's not just the optimism talking.
Loneliness is my favorite of your ongoing projects. I will miss it when you finish!
Oh, Leonore, I'm so sorry to read about your grandmother having to go to the hospital and I do hope she fully recovers and doesn't get sick again. Does she live with you? I got that impression, but I'm not certain. I'm really excited to see you bringing out that pretty autumn piece again for 2025 and look forward to watching it grown. Enjoy this last bit of January--I will be happy to see it go :)
The tablecloth will be so pretty in blue.
It's nice to see Autumn come out again, so close to being finished!
Good luck on making steady progress and hopefully finishing both! Margaret
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