Saturday, 6 April 2024

March Smalls SAL

Still in the process of catching up, both stitching and blog wise - and today I'm linking up the the Smalls SAL, hosted by Rachel this year. I started the 4th of the Little Sheep Values last weekend, and finally finished it yesterday! These stitch up really quickly once you get stuck in, and I really enjoy working on them. 

April was Courage, and it's very pretty with the different greens and the purple. I'm really glad I'm finally stitching these this year - now my finishing just needs to catch up to my stitching!


Pamela said...

Great Small! I like the colors and the picture.

Carol said...

Your courage finish is so sweet, Leonore! I do love the color combination in this series. I've stitched Hope and Love, but given them both away :) Hope your April is going well ♥

Anonymous said...


Toki said...

It is very cute. How much time did you spend on this sewing in total?