Monday 11 October 2021

Hufflepuff Pride Socks - 30 Hours

I am still in this weird mood of lots of crafting, but little blogging, so excuse my short updates lately, but I still want to show you (and tell you about) everything! Late September/early October I gave some more love to my Hufflepuff socks, and while I ran into a couple issues (had to frog about 10 rows once, half a round multiple times, and I'm still off a bit but that can be fudged I hope!) I still made some good progress. I had hoped to finish the leg part, though, but that didn't quite work out. Very close, though!

As you can see, I'm working on the second-two-last letter of "Hufflepuff", so just another F after this and I'm done with the leg - next time for sure!


diamondc said...

Leonore: The colors are so fall looking, love the design.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

These are fabulous! What's the German for Hufflepuff?