Tuesday 29 December 2020

The November SALs

 Yes, I know this is ridiculously late, thank you for noticing! We shall talk no more of it as I continue to get back on track with my stitching and blogging and jump right into the pictures :D 

Let's start with the Blackwork SAL, which is quite exciting - I even got it ironed yesterday to show it off in all it's glory!

"Wait", you may ask, "this is pretty and all, but how come it looks so finished when it's only the November part of the SAL?" As you might remember, there was a bit of a mixup with too many patterns being released each month in the beginning of the year, or rather, this setup having too little shapes (there was an other template that had more), so now the two patterns for December are actually 'extras'. I do have something planned for them and am actually sitting down to stitch them right now, so stay tuned for another little update in January - hopefully rather towards the beginning of the month!

Next up is the Temperature SAL - this one was actually pretty exciting for November, as I don't think I ever used this many colours in one month! It started off in the yellows, crossed right through the greens and blues and ended up in the early purples. 

As far as I can tell, I think December will stay mostly in the blues with maybe a few greens and purples for good measure.

Lastly, there is the Bookmark of the Month! This time, Magical gave us the choice between autumn colours and a rainbow, and as I was in the need for something bright in my life, I chose the rainbow! It's another on-piece-finish, similar to the first bookmarks of the month, and was a lot of fun to stitch. I just finished it last weekend, so here it is:


Carol said...

Lots of pretty November stitching, Leonore! I especially like the bright bookmark. Hope you enjoy these last couple days of 2020!

Rachel said...

Great SALs! Congratulations on finishing the bookmark and blackwork (it must have actually been nice to finish it a month early) and continuing with the temperature SAL. Will you be doing another temperature SAL next year? :)

Bethan said...

Lovely work - the blackwork looks amazing and I love your bookmark x

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Beautiful work on your SALs. I love the rainbow bookmark, I just love rainbow colours.
The Temperature SAL looks good now it's almost finished the year. Did you get any snow colours?

Astrids dragon said...

So many pretty colours in your pieces, and I really like the blackwork.

Mehedi Hasan Jim said...

really cute and cool