Saturday, 17 February 2018

February Gifted Gorgeousness

Almost on time this month - it's time for my favourite SAL :) During the last month I worked on only two of my gift projects, but I did work quite a bit on both of them. Mostly I focused on 99 - since January 29th (I think) I stitched on bottle a day, and that has gotten me to another pagefinish, and a bit into the next page as well:

I also knitted a bit and completed a total of six repeats on the cabled headband. I think I'm about halfway there now!


Pamela said...

The beer bottles are looking great!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in the Best SAL ever! Don't tell the others, but you are my favourite participant. But only if you remember to link up this month.

Great work on the beer bottles.

Sheryl said...

What a pretty hairband this is going to be, and great progress on all those bottles.

Susan said...

I have got to get back to my 99 - I think it's going to be an obligation piece for next year. Love the headband. Learning cables is on my to-do list

Bethan said...

I love the colour and design of the headband x

Brigitte said...

Dein Plan für die 99 Flaschen klappt wirklich gut. Nur weiter so!!

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

99 is looking so great! I love the cabled knitting. I have yet to try that type of knitting but am confident you are much better at it than I ever will be haha!