Sunday 1 November 2015

October WIPocalypse

While I'm still pretty busy, things seem to be calming down a bit. Work is still trying to be a pain in the behind, but I'm confident it will work out - either I can work around the issues on the current project, or admit defeat and start clean with a new one eventually. And our social-business has been reduced from travelling all over the country to visiting friends around town and doing stuff around the apartment, so basically, preparing for a good, long hibernation. Either way, I had some time to craft this week, and as I was fully focused on two pieces, I made some decent progress as well. But before we get to showing pretty pictures, let me first anwser this month's question for WIPocalypse: Are there any fibers or materials used in stitching that you’re nervous to try?  To be honest, I am nervous every time I try something new - it's not about certain materials specifically, it's a more general thing. I was extremly nervous trying silks for the first time as they are so expensive, but then it was much easier than I thought, so probably all the other stuff will as well :)

Now to my progress: I was working on My Day Off, and had a lot of fun with the vines, the last big confetti-region of the design. I wasn't to thrilled when I first looked at it, but then I just did one colour after the other and it went really smoothly. The tub-lady also has the rest of her legs and a lovely little cat now, so unless I forgot a few stitches in the vines-area (which is very well possible), I only have one colour and the sky left to stitch now (and some back stitching, of course).

The other thing I worked on was that baby jacket I mentioned last week, which caused so much confusion - it's for a friend of mine, not for myself, and it's about halfway finished now:

So, what else happened...lots of watching to warrant all that crafting, of course! We finished S7 of Supernatural (E19-23) and just started E8 today. I liked the S7, but somehow the end felt...less dramatic than it should have for everthing that happened, and now S8 starts with the same feeling for me...I hope I can shake it up after a few episodes. We also started S2 of Elementary yesterday (E1-4) - of course this feels rather slow now after that high-speed finale, but that was to be expected and I still like it. Last but not least, some more Case Closed (E116 - 125), of which I also read to more volumes (7 & 8).
I also finaly got around to playing The Vanishing of Ethan Carter last weekend, a short, but very sweet mystery-game with some interesting puzzles and unexpected story twists. Short, but very enjoyable and interesting :)


Heather said...

Lovely progress :)

Tiffstitch said...

Great progress on both and thanks for the reviews too!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, glad no more confusion. I keep forgetting about the Wipocalypse! Yesh, I need to get back on that during the November check-in. *derp*

Kaisievic said...

Your Wipocalypse piece looks like lots of fun, Leonore.

Leonore Winterer said...

Thank you!

Leonore Winterer said...

Thank you and you're welcome - I really enjoy talking a bit about what I watch/read/play, so I'm always glad to her someone likes reading about it as well :)

Leonore Winterer said...

Yes, confusion is so...confusing! Don't stress yourself over WIPocalypse, it's perfectly fine to skip a few entries :)

Leonore Winterer said...

It is! Although I wouldn't mind finishing it soon, too...

Unknown said...

Great work on your WIPs they both look wonderful!!!!!!

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

I'm so impressed with how everyone has been continuing onward with their stitching and knitting! I'm just now catching up on blog reading!